Topic: Misunderstanding

«Cultural diversity» is a current buzz word which evinces in many an uneasy feeling about globalisation. The globalisation of uniform consumption is countered by the notion of «intercultural dialogue». But our striving for mutual comprehension runs the risk of establishing a culture of misunderstanding. In any case misunderstandings are unavoidable, they arise naturally under any circumstances. Globalisation does not provide the solution, and is one necessary? Is it not more fruitful to recognise our misunderstandings and harness the potential they offer? Art and culture does not rely on a uniform and universal value system and is therefore ideally equipped to identify these distinctions and deal with them in a creative way, whilst retaining at its core ephemeral and adaptable judgement. Some like it, others don’t. Some understand it others don’t.

We regard this discussion of misunderstandings as a background contribution to the «European Year of Intercultural Dialogue». We understand the use of misunderstanding as a stimulus for creative energy. Communication breaks down precisely when each interlocutor’s position is already fixed. Whereas it succeeds when it is a dynamic exchange; which as a whole produces meaning.

The Conference of the IETM Plenary Meeting Zurich 2008 explores the topic «misunderstanding» in all its varieties. We offer three thematic threads.

Adi Blum, Beat Mazenauer, responsible for the conference program, p&s netzwerk kultur

Have not many of the most splendid fruits of older culture grown up on that very ground that sometimes displeases you, on the ground of impure thinking?
(Friedrich Nietzsche, Human, All too Human)